Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 15th : shopping at commercial street

" Happy Independence day ", Its already 15th August and 21st is just 6 days away :)

Planned for shopping at commercial street Bangalore. It was the first time i am visting that place.

Schedule : buy Jerkins, Inners(Vikky) and check some stuff out.
Place : Commercial street, Bangalore.
Rating : GOOD ; If your budget is reasonable this is the place to watch out.
How ? : Every damn thing is available but without a BRAND.

Details :Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate (Wikipedia)

After Ravi and vikram checked some woolen inner stuff and jerkins,just strolled arround the busy Commercial street. Could see foriegners all arround, some buying the Fancy Indian bangles and others busy capturing INDIA in their cameras. Ravi and vikram in a sudden change of plans, started searching for SADDLE bags. Enlightened quite a few shopkeepers of what exactly is a saddle bag :) so little hopes of getting it. Some more enquiries, we found some shop by name ARMY shop. Checked out and soon found SADDLE bags :) HURRAH it was of a good quality and price half of the branded ones. We struck GOLD. This is SERENDIPITY .....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

11th Aug 2009 (10 days before the start)

This is the day me (Ravi) and Vikky parcelled the bikes to Jammu, Our first step to the "Mother of all biking trips in INDIA".

GATI : Bangalore to Jammu
Bikes : Cbz (ravi) Unicorn (Vikky)
Transit time : 10 days
Amount : 3600 / bike including all
Contact : Nagesh 9741160086 (good OK guy)

Bikes will reach Jammu, our starting point usually in 8 days, since it was Independence month and J&K being sensitive, takes 10 days.

Mission brief:

Days : 17 (2weeks of leave)
Distance : 1600 approximately
Track : Jammu - Srinagar - Kargil - Leh - Nubra - Leh - Pangong - Manali - Mandi
Bikes : Cbz(Ravi), Unicorn(Vikky), Pulsar(Pradeep)
Climate : Hot and humid in the day, extremely Cold in the nights

Ravi and Vikky will fly to Delhi from Bangalore, Pradeep will fly from Hyderabad to Delhi. Take an overnite train to Jammu. In the meantime parcelled bikes will reach Jammu. Pick the bikes and kick-start the trip from Jammu.

How the hell did the idea take life ?
Biking in Jammu is a dream every biker has, so did i. Vikky (my roomie) contacted Arun (guy who has already been to Ladakh), Arun then drafted a detailed mail on July15th 2009. The plan started shaping arround this draft.

After that how did it fall through?
Mails floated, all intrested frineds looped, feasible dates checked, leaves applied, some friends dropped, final list confirmed. Responsibilities like booking tickets, getting the bikes parcelled, and conforming the schedule are shared among 3 bikers.

Some homework done till now:

Task 1: Finalising the dates.
Starting from July to September end is the riding season in Leh ladakh circuit. confirmed to start by August 21st and end by September 4th.

Task 2: Book the air and train tickets up and down
immediately, since airfares increase exponentially.

Task 3: Find good parcelling service.
GATI, Jaipur Golden, ITC enquired all of them. Told them the plan and asked them if they can parcel.

Task 4: Initial cheklist
RC, DL , Insurance is a must. Cant do without them. some essential clothing biking items.

Catch :

1> Initially found the transit time as 5 days from Bangalore to Jammu. Later since the situation was tense in Jammu transit time rose to 10 days :( unexpected. So had to hurry bikes to GATI.
Consider the unexpected and buffer properly.